Aufgrund der großen Nachfrage nach Beratung und Qualifikationen für international agierende Kunden bietet artop seit 2021 englischsprachige Kurse an. Das Programm reicht von dreitägigen Seminaren bis hin zu mehrmoduligen Ausbildungen. Als Inhouse-Schulung stehen noch viele weitere Themen unseres Angebotsspektrums zur Auswahl.
Für englischsprachige Inhouse-Schulungen kontaktieren Sie uns unter
Due to the high demand for consulting and qualifications for internationally operating clients, artop has been offering English-language courses since 2021. The programme ranges from three-day seminars to multi-module programmes. As in-house training, there are many more topics from our range of offerings to choose from.
For in-house training in English, contact us at
artop Coaching Programme in English!
The artop Coaching Programme has existed since 2001 and is approved by DBVC, Germany`s leading coaching association. It has been offered in English since 2021.
Trainings in English
In our trainings on selected topics, experienced trainers convey the latest know-how from research and practice. Our basic trainings provide initial exciting insights and experiences in various fields of work. In the in-depth trainings, the focus is on imparting special knowledge and special skills.
Introduction to Systemic Coaching
Get in touch!
Systemic Coaching Programme: Information Evenings
September 2024 sees the start of the next round of the Systemic Coaching Programme in English. At the information evening, training manager Kathleen Grieger will present the training and be available to answer questions.