Our approaches: How we build bridges
Similar to our consulting work, we do not take a "one for all" approach when it comes to research. We want to offer individual solutions to combine practice and science.

artop does research...
An active place for action research
- In our consultation, we approach the issues of our clients in a research-oriented manner. For us, "research" means: we ask questions, draw up hypotheses, check and test our assumptions. We are not interested in uncovering universally valid laws. It is much more important for us to find tailor-made, situation-oriented solutions in cooperation with our clients. To achieve this, we study, develop and use scientific theories, models and research methods.
- Curious? For publications of our consultants on the interaction between consulting and research/science click here
An intensive place for own research
- Many of our consultants have worked scientifically for many years or are still involved in scientific projects. This enables artop to promote scientifically sound knowledge in the areas of organisational design, personnel selection, personnel development and human-technology interaction.
- Curious? For an overview of current artop research topics click here
A Cooperative Place for Publicly Funded Research
- Together with partners from practice and science, artop has initiated and successfully carried out publicly funded projects in the past. In these projects, practitioners and scientists can jointly pursue entrepreneurially relevant questions. Very often, these projects produce particularly innovative solutions and improvements in organisations.
- Curious? For the description of a multi-year project at the interface of practice, science and consulting click here
artop promotes research
A well-founded place for accompanying research
- Which personnel development instruments best promote the ability to innovate and change an organisation? What is the precise impact of organisational culture? Especially in long-term strategy and change projects, many organisations want to evaluate the project progress. Scientists offer well-founded solutions to this requirement. With the aid of scientifically proven analysis and evaluation instruments, accompanying research provides the opportunity to present and measure project developments and change processes visually.
- Curious? For the description of a scientifically based approach to measuring innovation promotion in organisations click here
An open place for exchange between science and practice
- We are convinced that it is profitable for researchers and practitioners to exchange ideas, to develop ideas together and to test them hand in hand. artop offers platforms where practitioners and researchers can meet, exchange ideas and initiate joint projects. We regularly invite experts from organisational, personnel and usability research to our events. Here, scientists not only have the opportunity to present themselves and their research, but also to discuss the issues with representatives from business, organisational and consulting practice in a relaxed atmosphere.
- Curious? For topics and dates of our regular colloquium click here
A place for joint initiatives with research institutions
- We are interested in what goes on in the world of science - and we want to play an active role in shaping this world. We regularly design and initiate joint events, presentations and seminar series, especially with our own Humboldt Universität in Berlin. In the past, these formats have attracted a great deal of attention: Our events have resulted in articles in journals, research projects and the cooperation between companies and research institutions.
- Curious? For the video to an open space, organised by representatives of artop and Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin click here
artop offers research consulting
A supportive place to shape the research world of tomorrow
- With our consulting services, we support universities, research institutions and research-related organisations in questions concerning project and organisational development. We advise on matters such as personnel selection, personnel development and change projects in academic and administrative areas. We also support the increasingly important strategy development of research institutions and their departments.
An appreciated place for researchers and their concerns
- Researchers perform important and valuable work for the knowledge development in our society. Their work has an impact on the shape of our future. At the same time, the work of a scientist is challenging. Researchers often need a sparring partner for a second perspective from an outsider. Here, we offer our services as coaches. We support many researchers - from doctoral candidates to professors - with individual questions, such as personal and career development.
Our focus: Current research activities at artop
We walk our talk. We also conduct our own research on many of the issues concerning us in our consulting activities: