
Training, Consulting & Research in the fields of Organisation, Human Resource & Usability/User Experience.

Our core competencies include advising companies and organisations, the design of organisational and personnel development processes, the implementation of user experience projects, scientific field studies, as well as professional training and further education. artop was founded as a spin-off from Humboldt-University in 1995.


In our academy, we support people to become a change manager, executive coach, facilitator, and leader. Our approach is based on system theory and psychology.  Since we started in 1997, we skilled more than 2.000 alumnis.
Discover our new education program… here


We create and implement change programs for organisations, apply personnel selection and development plans, and offer usability / user experience concepts. Our clients are small, medium and large enterprises, public authorities, non-profit organisations and scientific institutions. Have a look in our portfolio… here


As an affiliated Institute of Humboldt-University we feel strongly committed to applied scientific research. We apply studies, support researchers, build connections and fund young high potentials. The publication list includes more than 350 papers, books, and other manuscripts. See what is exciting for us… here

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