Effectiveness of Coaching

On the effectiveness of systemic interventions in the context of work and organisations

The aim of this SLR-study (systematic literature review) by PD Dr. Thomas Bachmann und Johannes Loermann is to review and evaluate the international state of research on the use and effectiveness of systemic intervention formats in the context of work and organizations. On the basis of a comprehensive literature search, the central results on effectiveness and impact factors of 352 studies on systemic interventions for different systemic approaches were presented and evaluated with regard to their relevance. In summary, it can be stated that the study situation is extensive and heterogenous. Only a few studies are available that methodically meet the usual research standards and have been published in ranked journals. Overall, it can be stated that the effectiveness of systemic work in this context is well documented and numerous impact factors have been identified. Recommendations for further research are then given.

Bachmann, T., Loermann, J. Zur Wirksamkeit systemischer Interventionen im Kontext von Arbeit und Organisationen. Ein systematischer Überblick über den Stand der Forschung. Carl-Auer-Verlag (2023).


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