What we focus on

Our Coaching Approach

Coaching and coaching needs
Coaching is an answer to the culture of change in our time. The need for qualified support for individuals, teams and organisations is greater than ever, be it for personal development projects, professional challenges or change processes.
In companies and other organisations, this support is mostly accomplished through personnel or organisational development in cooperation with internal or external coaches.

Coaching competence
However, coaching is more than just professional support offered by people with leadership and management tasks in a professional context. Coaching competence means shaping sustainable professional relationships, understanding organisations from a systemic perspective, giving impulses to initiate the development of individuals or systems, and  accompanying them along the way.

Coaching competencies are becoming more and more important in various professional roles, and coaching is having an impact on the shaping of these roles in organisations. Managers, executives, internal consultants, project managers or personnel development specialists will benefit from the development of their own coaching competence in terms of their professional performance and their personal satisfaction.

The systemic coaching approach
The theories of people in organisations, learning and change, intervention methods and our attitude as coaches all have their roots in systems theory, in constructivism and humanistic psychology, and here especially in gestalt therapy. Well known representatives of these schools and approaches have worked at the Psychological Institute at the Humboldt University of Berlin, which artop is part of.
To us, systemic coaching means supporting and accompanying individuals, teams and organisations within discrete or organisational change processes in a way that is based on systemic thinking and interventions. The reason for the introduction of a coaching process can be either a problematic situation or a development project.
Coaching is about providing ‘help for self-help’, to stimulate emotional and cognitive self-organisation, to explore people’s own goals and motives, to develop strategies and thus to reconcile personal experience and behaviour with professional requirements.

Training Concept

Besides the transfer of knowledge, the aim of the training is to introduce methodical and practical skills, and to provide support to the participants in their personal development and growth process.
artop coaching training is designed as a comprehensive qualification programme.

A broad spectrum of experienced trainers with relevant qualifications from practice, teaching and research enable us to provide:

  • An orientation based on the lengthy experience we have from coaching practice in companies and organisations.
  • The communication of different coaching styles and the targeted profiling and promotion of the individual coaching styles of the training participants.
  • The promotion of the participants’ networking with each other and with the training institute, as well as the provision of support for obtaining membership to Germany’s leading coaching association (DBVC).
  • The opportunity for further training, exchange and inspiration through events such as the artop congress, which is held every two years by artop.

The scientific basis guarantees:

  • The transfer of proven methods, models and theories
  • Participation in current research
  • Continuous evaluation of the training and the work of the participants in practice

The practical orientation ensures:

  • Intensive and feedback-oriented training of the participants’ own coaching competencies
  • The direct transfer of skills in relevant fields of application in different industries and organisations
  • The mediation of inter-school, pragmatic coaching approaches

Training Structure

Since 2001, this additional occupational training has been offered by artop. It has established itself and has proved to be successful. The offer is continuously developed and thus takes current devel-opments and needs into account. The training is divided into training and practical elements.

Training element
In the first training modules, participants gain an insight into system theory and the basic concepts of coaching. Partcipation in the training group begins and is supported by an intensive familiarisation process.
Another important topic is the special situation of the job clarification meeting. This involves, among other things, defining the framework conditions, clarifying the issue and the assignment, and developing the coaching goals.
In the further course of the training, methods and techniques are taught (including practise with real clients), which can be used by the coach in various contexts after the analysis of the initial situation and to achieve specific coaching goals. This includes psychodiagnostic methods in individual coaching as well as approaches for team coaching.

Furthermore, insights into the expectations of typical clients and their influence on the coaching process as well as practical knowledge and experience for the coaching business are provided. The design of coaching processes and sessions is practised intensively in this part of the training in several training units under the guidance of the instructors and trainers. The group dynamics seminar in the middle of the training programme provides deep insights into group processes as well as personal experiences of one's own impact and role within the group. In the final part of the training, specific topics and approaches for professional coaching are taught. These include the possibilities and limits of coaching in conflicts, approaches for the coaching of managers and executives in an organisational context, as well as for the development and support of teams. Another topic will be the use of narrative approaches and methods in coaching. During the final colloquium the participants will demonstrate their coaching skills in a real coaching session. The training ends with the ceremonial presentation of certificates.

Practical element

Effective and practice-oriented learning and personal development in coaching are supported by the following methods within the training:

  • An initial interview at the beginning of the programme
  • One peer group meeting after each seminar
  • Intensive feedback-oriented training units
  • Mentor coaching with an experienced coach (note: not included in the cost!)
  • Coaching of real clients in training
  • Implementation of the participant’s own coaching processes outside the training
  • Participation in case supervision in small groups
  • Use of artop rooms for certification-relevant coaching during the training period (depending on availability)
  • Logging of the training modules by the training assistant
  • Extensive documentation and recommended literature

The training begins for all participants with an individual development interview. The aim is to determine the current situation at the beginning of the programme. Participants have the opportunity to ask questions and reflect on their decision to participate in the training. Two or three learning projects are to be determined in this discussion. Furthermore, the participants will carry out real coaching processes and record them. In the final colloquium all participants will be involved in a real coaching session. Based on the feedback from the trainer, the participants can check for themselves to what extent they have achieved their learning and development goals through the training.

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