Customer Experience, User Experience – and the Business Analyst

In consulting it is often discussed who takes responsibility for customer needs and what role user/customer experience plays in this. Thomas Geis and Knut Polkehn, both founding members of the UXQB (International Usability and User Experience Qualification Board), have published an article on the website  of the International Institute of Business Analysis (IIBA):

Professional roles around the Business Analyst and their relationship to the Business Analyst

More and more often during design and development of interactive systems and services, the term “customer experience” is being referred to. Customer experience becomes an important quality characteristic that emphasizes on the customerperceived quality. Business Analysists more and more need to collaborate with other professional roles who specifically deal with “XYZ”-experience. Therefore, it is important to understand who these roles are and how all roles interplay.

An online version of the article can be found here:




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