Online colloquium: Consulting Founder Personalities & Startup Clients

Common dynamics and consulting cases in fast growing businesses – and how to work with them
Am 23. Juni 2021 veranstaltet artop das nächste virtuelle Kolloquium, dieses Mal in englischer Sprache. Jenny Jung & Kathleen Grieger werfen einen Blick auf das Startup-Umfeld und darauf, wie Coaches und Berater*innen in diesem besonderen Kundenmilieu am besten unterstützen können.
On 23 June 2021 artop will host the next virtual colloquium, this time in English:
In this edition of the artop colloquium Jenny Jung & Kathleen Grieger take a closer look at the startup environment and how coaches and consultants can best support founders and organisations in this particular client milieu. Starting from the wider context and dynamics that consultants need to be aware of for successful process support, we will consider typical cases on each different level of consulting – person, role, team, organisation. Participants will also have a chance to introduce their own consulting cases for collegial reflection.
Jenny E. Jung, graduate Media Scientist and former Operations & HR Executive in the Startup and Venture Capital ecosystem, works as a consultant and coach with larger organisations in the public sector and startup-businesses.
Kathleen Grieger, MSc Coaching Psychology and gestalt therapist, works as a consultant, career coach and trainer. Her work focuses on the development of individuals, teams and groups and her field of interests are topics such as identity, passion and integrated change.
We start at 5:30 p.m. and end at around 7:30 p.m.
Participation is free of charge. Please, let us know if you plan to attend.
If you have any questions or require further information, please do not hesitate to contact us by e-mail or telephone: