Functional Group Positions and Contact Behavior in Problem-Solving Groups

Neuen Lesestoff in englischer Sprache gibt es von PD Dr. Thomas Bachmann in der aktuellen Ausgabe der Zeitschrift Gruppe. Interaktion. Organization (GIO).
Functional Group Positions and Contact Behavior in Problem-Solving Groups
This article deals with the application of the theory of functional psycho-dynamic positions by Raoul Schindler on problem-solving groups. Until now, there has been no empirical research substantiating this model and the emergence of the group positions. To do so, the relationship between the functional group positions and members’ contact behavior was examined with a sociometrical approach. A study with 138 participants from 22 groups was conducted. The results clearly confirm the model and show typical contact behavior patterns for each group position. Finally, types of informal group structures were compared in regards to group performance and practical applications for agile teams and shared leadership.
Der Beitrag ist als Open Access-Beitrag online veröffentlicht:
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Bachmann, T. (2022). Functional Group Positions and Contact Behavior in Problem-Solving Groups. Gr Interakt Org.