Almost every manager has already participated in an assessment centre during his or her professional career. Frequently, however, there are very different experiences from participant and assessor perspective regarding the quality and closeness to reality of assessment centers.
We are convinced that in the case of reflected and professional use, the advantages of an assessment center are superior to other methods. By assessment center, we understand a form of behaviour-oriented observation of persons in a professional context, which generates proof of suitability and ability for further development.
We offer our customers everything from a single source. The assessment center begins with a requirement analysis and usually ends with recommendations for follow-up measures. We focus on executives and specialists. In the process, the candidate is tested on four to five procedures relevant to the position. Immediately afterwards, an observer conference takes place. We believe it is critical for success that direct practice orientation is always established in the implementation. That means no abstract exercises are used. Professional feedback is obligatory for us. The implementation of group procedures is primarily suitable for trainees, talents and employees.