Leadership Coaching

In the land of dilemmas, leadership means every day having to decide the undecidable while dealing with pressure from above, needs from below, one's own demands and goals, cooperation and competition, the individual and the whole.

Being part of the management system of an organisation requires a great deal and is always challenging to one’s personality. In modern organisations, however, there is hardly any time for real leadership and for the necessary reflection on one's own actions.

In coaching, managers can sort out and reflect on their issues in a protected space with a competent and independent coach. In so doing, their role and tasks as managers take on a clear perspective, new ideas and solutions are created, tension, and the pressure of unrealistic expectations diminish as new paths emerge for personal development.

Our coaches have many years of experience in working with executives at all hierarchical levels in various industries. A coaching process involves several sessions with usually a two-week interval between each session. The range and intensity of the process is oriented to the content and goals of our clients.

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