In more and more companies the managerial call for "innovation" and "change" has lost its fans: employees have witnessed too many innovations come and go. Many have lost their believe in the power of change initiatives. Despite every objection, in a rapidly changing world the question of how to skillfully handle “the new” ("innovare" = renewing) is more relevant than ever. And knowledge about powerful innovation and change management strategies more valuable than ever. Since 2009, artop has done intense research on challenges and opportunities of promoting innovation and change initiatives. In studies with several hundred organisations central indicators have been identified that significantly increase the likelihood of successful innovation and change projects.

modul_or: a scientific tool for organisational analysis
modul-or is a scientific tool for organisational analysis which helps managers to better understand aspects and elements of a company`s organisational culture.

Mut zu Innovationen
The book presents opportunities for promoting innovation from a scientific and practical perspective.
artop Open-Space - The bright side of Innovation - 19.03.2013 in Berlin
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News and Articles
Online colloquium: Consulting Founder Personalities & Startup Clients
In this edition of the artop colloquium Jenny Jung & Kathleen Grieger take a closer look at the startup environment and how coaches and consultants can best support founders and organisations in this particular client milieu.
Review Colloquium: Culture Eats Strategy (and Leadership) for Breakfast
Many thanks to Dr. Sebastian Kunert, who gave an insight into his research project during the last artop colloquium.
The link between organisational environment and organizational culture
In a recent conference paper, we examine the connection of organizational environment characteristics and corporate culture facets. It is based on our research with the modular inventory for organizational research modul_or and applied on the concept of uncertainty. Results show that organisations from rather dynamic business domains with higher demands of uncertainty are different to ones coming from rather stable, more predictable environments.
Innovation consulting: Possible approaches towards change and innovation
In this paper we argue that a systematic organisational consulting approach can be supportive in fostering innovation and change processes in companies.
modul_or: Presentation of current research results at the ISPM in Vienna
Abstract The well known Peter Drucker quote “Culture eats strategy for breakfast“ is widely accepted but, in fact, rarely tested. Dr. Sebastian Kunert and a colleague presented new findings based …
Implicit theories about learning and change through coaching in organizations – An empirical study
How coaching is understood and used in organizations is influenced by the respective organizational culture, which is based on specific assumptions about how people learn and how individual change processes …
Motivation in Innovation Projects
In the innovation process literature stage gate models on the one hand and context factors on the other are still dominant. Very little is known about special issues regarding innovation …
Innovation consulting: Possible approaches towards change and innovation
In this paper we argue that a systematic organisational consulting approach can be supportive in fostering innovation and change processes in companies.
Over a period of three years we have accompanied various companies in innovation projects from analysis to consultation to evaluation. In doing so, we have used and tested well-established methods as well as new and innovative methods for organisational analysis and consulting.