As experts in learning and development in the field of usability/user experience, we pass on our professional knowledge and practical experience by accompanying our clients in the professionalization of their work.
As one of the first companies in the field of usability and user experience in Germany, we have been successfully offering professional training since 2006. The training conveys the essential skills for working as a usability consultant. Our training is characterized by the transfer of knowledge and experience through intensive exchanges with the trainers, with the training group and in interdisciplinary cooperation. The duration of the training and the mixture of content and practical learning modules provide time for learning and transfer. Quality and learning need time. That is why we do not do frontal crash courses. Our method makes our training unique.
For companies, we jointly develop further training programs which are tailored to their current objectives and employees. We support companies by raising awareness on the topic through "entry-level events". Usability and UX teams receive support from us in deepening existing knowledge. These in-house trainings are both workshops and a series of events - each tailor-made in content, method, selection and extent.
We see ourselves as experienced consultants and providers of feedback who, with our experience and expertise, support our clients' personal and professional development. In mentoring, we provide individual support as well as support for the development of competencies regarding Usability and UX.