Within the framework of user research, we support companies in the process of acquiring and sustaining this information. Based on the specific situations and conditions in the respective company, we compile an optimal method portfolio to analyze existing and potential users of the offer and the context of their use.
How can a company develop a new product or a new service? How can existing offers be improved by new knowledge? How can customers, employees and operators be placed at the center of the discussion to achieve reliable knowledge about their goals and wishes, and in which contexts they want to perform which tasks?
If access to customers is difficult or the budgets for user research are low, we look for alternatives with our clients in order to gain the most valid knowledge about user groups and context of use.
We combine qualitative and quantitative methods (e.g. inter-structured interviews, surveys, usability tests, etc.) and prepare the obtained data on important aspects in models (from the classification of users to needs and objectives, to task and context models).
Based on user research results, we support companies in identifying and formulating user requirements.
We look for an early exchange with other key stakeholders from management to development. Based on the formulated user requirements and system requirements, and against the background of project goals and project framework conditions, we ensure the sustainable transfer of the results into the company.
Our approach is always characterized by intensive cooperation and direct, open communication. The mutual exchange during the entire project as well as the coordination of activities and process steps is a matter of course for us as consultants.