Usability Test

The usability test is considered the best way to evaluate interactive systems. The reason is quite simple: in the usability test - and only here – can it be made visible how real users do real tasks in the real world.

Should a usability test be the basis for future decisions, it must first be understood which concrete tasks are to be supported by the interactive system, for which specific persons it is intended and in which actual situations it is needed. Over the years, we have developed our own path of usability testing. We only work with specific questions, which we work out together with the client. Of course we always leave room for the unexpected.

The design of the investigation situation is crucial. It must be the right place with the right atmosphere. Test persons who are nervous do not contribute any accurate knowledge about the system being tested. We never work “undercover”; the test persons are aware of all the circumstances during the testing. Test persons are partners. We always pay them before the task is done so that they can act freely.

We separate the role of the moderator from the role of the observer. It is more than welcome that customers are present during the testing. We also test click-dummies, mock-ups and even paper prototypes. We do not only test the interfaces of websites and apps, but also of heating thermostats, washing machines and much more. We combine usability testing with questionnaires and short interviews to determine the subjective satisfaction of the test persons. On request, we create highlight videos as a powerful communication tool.

We make sure that the evaluation of a usability test is itself “usable”. Only in this way can the results be effectively applied in correcting, modifying, and optimizing the overall process.